A key to successful achievement is cooperation between team members. We can all agree, right? The bond between individual team members that enables collaboration is related to communication, right? Yes. Internal communication has an impact on almost everything: the company’s climate, commitment, sense of belonging, good relationships, and consequently on the success of business processes. The work process can be described differently in each organization, but there is always a beginning, there is always an end, with a lot of dynamics in between. Agile, “bureaucratized”, sometimes effective and sometimes not. In any case, we have to imagine the cooperation between the team members as a relay – an idea without excellent execution and cooperation of individual parts of the team may be so good, but it will not be successful.
A key element of any relay is handover, because the quality of the bar exchange between two runners can be a success or a failure. So it’s not enough to have four fast runners on your team, you also need to create effective handovers. And there a strategic approach to communication is very important. Work moving from one department to another is constantly under the pressure of good handover.
Let’s look at 4 points of good surrender:
- The person receiving the baton starts running before a colleague reaches it. What does this mean in the company? That we do not leave teams in isolation until their part of the process is up, but we involve them earlier – we communicate.
- If the recipient does not run at full speed when he receives the baton, he slows down the whole process. How is this known in companies? Let’s say we only include purchasing when the process comes directly to them, which means that only then do they become acquainted with their tasks, which takes time.
- Effective handover occurs when the recipient does not have to look back, but is focused forward. To be able to achieve this, the receiver knows exactly when to extend his hand and trusts that the stick will be there. In the business context, it is about consistency:
- Consistency of people.
- Consistency of work practices.
- One surrender is designed to facilitate the next. In other words, your work doesn’t end when you’ve done the task; it ends when you have created a great handover to the next person. This rule should apply to all types of handovers.
One person cannot succeed if the team fails and does not establish effective internal communication. This, however, is different according to the specifics of each company. So go and find your own story.