We have all probably faced the feedback dilemma at some point, haven’t we? What is its purpose and how to give or receive it, is what this blog is all about.

Feedback refers to the process that accompanies an individual in his work and thus enables him or her to improve his or her work and achieve the goals set. It is not a mere assessment or evaluation of the individual and his work. Feedback is a way in which an observer communicates and through which he or she gives information about the individual’s work or certain aspects of it in order to improve the process and results.

If money is the number one currency in the material world, feedback is the number one currency in the world of human relations. People need feedback because with it we find out whether we are needed, whether we contribute, whether we are noticed and respected. All of these, however, are basic human needs.

In the workplace, we know different definitions of feedback:

  1. Information given to an individual relating to the quantity and quality of his work in the past.
  2. Information given back to an individual, following a specific piece of work.
  3. Information that tells the worker what and how well he or she is doing.
  4. Work information that allows an individual to adapt their work.

It has probably happened to you before that the feedback you gave was not received in the best way. Such reactions (shock, resentment, anger, fear) are often the reason why people prefer not to give their opinions.

It is necessary to learn to give constructive feedback that will allow a person to change.

On the Planet GV website you can find many more on this and many other topics in the field of communication. For more than 30 years they have been working on the topics to provide and help companies achieve better business results.

The characteristics that every good feedback must contain in order for your opinion to be expressed sincerely, directly, respectfully, and at the same time not to achieve negative emotions in your interlocutor are:

  1. A clear message.
  2. Positive information.
  3. Dialogue.
  4. No humiliation or superiority.
  5. The information should motivate the interlocutor for further learning and development.

Tips to help you deliver even the most difficult messages:

  1. Start your feedback with a short but important question. This will cause the brain to sense feedback. Examples: “Do you have a few minutes to talk about your presentation?” or “I have some ideas on how you can improve your speech. Do you have a few minutes to introduce them to you? ”
  2. Focus on important data. Try to avoid adjectives as well as nouns that denote persons.
  3. Explain how certain information affects you.
  4. Wrap your feedback in question. This will create a dialogue and not just your monologue about what the other person did wrong or how you would have done differently.

Very important: people who are very good at giving feedback often ask for it themselves. Research has shown that we should not wait for “feedback” but should ask for it.

But what are your tactics in giving feedback? We look forward to your comments and your thoughts on the topic.